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Writer's pictureCynthia Butare

Afterthoughts: Six Reasons That Made 'The Bride' by Myriam Birara a Can't-Miss

Updated: Sep 22, 2023

As Canal Olympia concludes its week-long screening of Myriam Birara's 'The Bride', I truly hope you managed to see it. If you didn't, let's hope for a renewal because this film deserves a big-screen viewing. It was that good! With its flawless storytelling, stunning craftsmanship, and visionary artistry, it creates an incredibly powerful experience. Through "The Bride", director Myriam Birara demonstrates her remarkable ability to forge profound connections with audiences. The film powerfully portrays resilience, agency, self-discovery, defiance of conventions, and the importance of women's friendships, all set within the context of Rwanda's immediate post-genocide aftermath.

A phone-captured photo of Kivu Ruhorahoza, MC and producer of 'The Bride,' alongside Myriam Birara during the Q&A session after the movie screening --- Photo: Cynthia Butare

I had the opportunity, last Friday, to attend the Rwandan premiere. Set in Rwanda in 1997, the film narrates the tragic life of Eva, a young woman born to a refugee family in Zaire who experiences abduction and forced marriage upon her return to Rwanda. This movie pulls you in and hooks you from the start, making you experience a range of emotions. Living in Rwanda for the past 8 years, it's crystal clear that "The Bride" is one of my top picks among Rwandan films, if not the top. And while I would have loved to provide a more in-depth portrait of Myriam Birara and her work as I typically do on this platform, I have yet to fully explore the depth of who she is and what she stands for. Nevertheless, her film "The Bride" alone deserves much praise, immersing you in its narrative, evoking a range of emotions and leaving you in awe, where its storytelling, craftsmanship, and artistic vision come together to create a deeply moving experience. Through the film, Myriam Birara showcases her ability to connect with audiences on a profound level.

So, here are six reasons why I genuinely hope you had the opportunity to watch it:

  1. It is a self-funded success: "The Bride" is a testament to Myriam Birara's unwavering determination. What sets it apart is that she funded the entire project herself, using her own savings. By watching "The Bride," we not only support Myriam Birara's success but also contribute to empowering and uplifting the Rwandan film industry as a whole. Her dedication is evident in the extensive research, careful location scouting, and exceptional direction of the actors and crew. Her passion shines through in every aspect of the film, creating an engaging experience for audiences. Engaging with "The Bride" allows us to join a collective effort in recognizing and celebrating the talent and creativity in the Rwandan film industry, fostering its growth and success.

  2. It values true representation of Rwandan narratives: Experiencing the authentic portrayal of our stories, culture, and experiences on the grand stage of Canal Olympia is an incredibly validating experience for us as Rwandans. In a landscape where external voices have often taken charge of conveying our narratives, both behind the scenes and on-screen, and where films have sometimes been produced elsewhere, the significance of true representation cannot be emphasised enough. It grants us, as Rwandans, the invaluable opportunity to witness our stories depicted in a truthful and genuine manner. This ensures that our narratives are given the depth, nuance, and sensitivity they truly deserve. The movie "The Bride" goes far beyond mere visibility; it possesses the remarkable power to transport us to a realm of profound connection and resonance. It serves as a poignant reminder that our stories should be shared by those who possess an intimate understanding of our lived experiences. The film's authentic depiction resonates deeply within us, evoking genuine emotions and evoking a sense of familiarity in our hearts. As we deeply engage with a world that mirrors our experiences or those within our immediate circles, we discover a profound sense of genuine emotional resonance, along with newfound insights that address lingering questions. One tangible illustration of this can be seen in the portrayal of the nuanced depiction of little-discussed practises like "Guterura" and "Gukuna," unearthing the complexities surrounding arranged marriages and the practice of labia elongation. "The Bride" handles these practices with sensitivity, seamlessly integrating them into the narrative. By shedding light on these aspects of our culture, the film invites us to engage in meaningful conversations and introspection, encouraging a deeper understanding of our traditions and their significance.

  3. It resonates across cultural backgrounds: While I commend the intricate portrayal of the Rwandan experience in the film, I firmly believe that it also has the power to engage an international audience. Emotions are universally understood, and "The Bride" effectively captures the essence of human experiences that resonate with viewers from diverse cultural backgrounds. The film explores universal themes such as loveless marriages, profound female friendships, the enduring impact of trauma, the struggle to meet societal expectations, and the pursuit of dreams. The film's universal themes have garnered international acclaim, recognized at prestigious festivals including the Berlinale Film Festival in Germany, where it received a Special Mention for the GWFF Best First Feature Award Jury, as well as the Silver Lady Harimaguada Award and the CIMA Award at the Las Palmas International Film Festival in Spain. These accolades reflect the film's ability to transcend cultural boundaries, resonating with audiences worldwide. Moreover, "The Bride" goes beyond what international audiences may have previously seen by offering a fresh and nuanced depiction of Rwanda. It presents a unique perspective that highlights the complexities and richness of the Rwandan narrative. By showcasing a story that is both culturally specific and universally relevant, the film contributes to a broader understanding and appreciation of Rwanda's history, culture, and people. It invites viewers to delve into the intricate layers of Rwanda's past and present, fostering a deeper connection and empathy.

  4. It explores the intricacies of human relationships: "The Bride" presents intricate and complex narratives that transcend conventional archetypes, challenging the notion of villains, single heroes, and rigid dichotomies. Within the film, the exploration of human relationships and societal dynamics avoids simplistic characterisations. It resists the temptation to assign blame or categorise individuals as solely heroes or villains. Instead, "The Bride" embraces the nuances and contradictions inherent in our humanity. By delving into the intricate dynamics of the household, the film reveals the complex tapestry of Eva's unfulfilled aspirations within her marriage, juxtaposed with her husband's resilient pursuit of rebuilding their family after enduring the irreparable loss caused by the genocide. In its portrayal, "The Bride" refrains from categorising these individuals as heroes or villains, opting for a nuanced and non-judgmental depiction of their respective journeys.

  5. It offers a visual feast: The cinematography of "The Bride" garnered a lot of praise during the Q&A session after the premiere. It was widely acclaimed for its stunning beauty and captivating visuals. Each frame in the film demonstrated meticulous attention to detail and artistic composition, perfectly capturing the essence of each scene. The cinematography played a vital role in immersing the audience in the story, evoking emotions, and enhancing the overall cinematic experience. Among the crowd, one individual couldn't help but notice that the director, who is also a painter, infuses her movies with the same energy as her paintings.

  6. It highlights the impact of female-directed films: Being a woman myself, I cannot overlook the significance of a female-directed film. It brings a profound depth and authenticity to the narrative, resonating with me on a personal level. Women filmmakers possess a unique perspective, rooted in their firsthand knowledge of the societal expectations, stereotypes, and biases faced by women. This perspective enables them to authentically portray the array of interactions women have in various contexts. In "The Bride," Myriam Birara artfully intertwines the Rwandan experience with her exploration of womanhood, shedding light on the intricate dimensions of female characters with authenticity and nuance. Her directorial approach immerses us in their inner world, presenting a rich spectrum of the Rwandan female experience. We gain a profound understanding of Eva's character, her profound friendship with her husband's cousin, and the dynamics of other characters like the mother and aunts. Through her empathetic lens, Myriam Birara captures the intricacies of female experiences, portraying women as multi-faceted individuals who defy simplistic categorisations. By delving into the film's underlying themes, we embark on a comprehensive exploration of its profound messages, deepening our connection to the story.

In short, I loved it! "The Bride"'s multi-layered narrative unfolds with a level of grace and complexity that is rare to come by. The personal, cultural, and historical elements that the film weaves together creates an engaging viewing experience that is as thought-provoking as it is emotionally resonant. Not only does "The Bride" exemplify what powerful storytelling looks like, but it also showcases Myriam Birara's unwavering commitment to telling this story with such honesty, depth, and beauty, evident in every frame, making "The Bride" a true masterpiece. The film is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, the power of friendship, and the enduring impact of our cultural traditions and history. It is a story that stays with you long after the credits roll, compelling you to reflect on your understanding of Rwanda, its people, and its stories. I highly recommend "The Bride" to anyone seeking a deeply immersive and emotionally powerful viewing experience. It is, without a doubt, a shining jewel in the crown of Rwandan cinema.

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